Экстракт Белового фасоли
- Naturalin Кодекс: NAT-230
- Спецификации продукта: α-amylase inhibitor NLT 1000; 1% Phaseolin
- Латинское имя: Phaseolus Vulgaris Linn.
- Метод испытания: Kjeldahl Method
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White kidney bean extract is used as a natural, non-stimulant ingredient in nutritional and weight loss supplements. These products are referred to as carbohydrate or starch blockers. Bean functional components in white kidney bean extract pigment is a natural alpha amylase inhibitor.The key benefit of white kidney bean extract is that it delays digestion and absorption of carbohydrates by blocking an enzyme, alpha amylase, associated with carbohydrate digestion in the intestines.Native to Central and South America, they are well known for their texture and their ability to absorb flavors.
1. Moderates blood sugar;
2. Prevents heart disease;
3. Anti diabetes;
4. Increases energy;
5. Enhances athletic performance;
6. Helps the immune system;
7. Eases arthritis and other joint issues;
White kidney bean extract can be applied in nourishing food; weight loss supplements and medicinal industry.
White kidney bean extract is used as a natural, non-stimulant ingredient in nutritional and weight loss supplements. These products are referred to as carbohydrate or starch blockers. Bean functional components in white kidney bean extract pigment is a natural alpha amylase inhibitor.The key benefit of white kidney bean extract is that it delays digestion and absorption of carbohydrates by blocking an enzyme, alpha amylase, associated with carbohydrate digestion in the intestines.Native to Central and South America, they are well known for their texture and their ability to absorb flavors.
1. Moderates blood sugar;
2. Prevents heart disease;
3. Anti diabetes;
4. Increases energy;
5. Enhances athletic performance;
6. Helps the immune system;
7. Eases arthritis and other joint issues;
White kidney bean extract can be applied in nourishing food; weight loss supplements and medicinal industry.

Экстракт розмарина
5% ~ 30% розмариновой кислоты; 10% ~ 95% К…
Экстракт эхинацеи
4% Полифенолы, 4% Фенольные кислоты…
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